Category: New to the Diocese
5 results found.
Gregory Curran Ordained 11-24-13 - 11/25/13

Archbishop NIKON Visits Christ The Savior Church> in Southbury Ct. For The Ordained of Gregory Curran to the Deacon. on 11-24-13


Pictures By.

John Barone

New to the Diocese: Deacon Christopher Westrate - 07/15/07

Deacon Christopher Westrate: A Short Biographical Sketch



By the Grace of God, Deacon Christopher Westrate was recently ordained to the Holy Diaconate by His Grace, Bishop Nikon (on May 6th 2007).  He feels very blessed to serve in the Diocese of New England and at Holy Trinity Orthodox Cathedral in Boston.  

Deacon Christopher was born in Danvers, Massachusetts in 1976.  Most of his early life was spent in Beverly and Hamilton, but for Chris’s high school years, the Westrate family moved to Safety Harbor, Florida.  Dn. Christopher was not raised in the Church, but came to faith in 1989 when he was 13 years old.  At 14, he was baptized in a Baptist church and continued to explore the Christian faith throughout his formative years. 

In Florida, Dn. Christopher was very involved in a Methodist church a few blocks away from his home.  He worked for the church’s Youth Group and Children’s Ministry, and he participated in a number of mission experiences in Washington D.C., Haiti and Mexico.  Alongside his church experience, Dn. Christopher came to love the study of history and literature, two fields which would influence him in his journey to the Orthodox Church. 

After high school, Dn. Christopher attended Gordon College, a liberal arts evangelical school in Wenham, Massachusetts, where he studied history and literature.  It was there that he fell in love with Lisa N. Hall, who became his wife the summer before their senior year.  Though Christopher studied Church History at Gordon, it was Lisa who introduced him to his first significant experience of Orthodoxy when she encouraged him to read Dostoevsky, and specifically The Brothers Karamazov. 

Christopher and Lisa were part of an Anglo-Catholic Episcopal parish in Hamilton, Massachusetts for the first three years of their marriage.  There they came to appreciate and embrace the sacramental life through the beautiful liturgy served at the parish.  While studying literature at the University of Massachusetts, Boston, where Dn. Christopher earned his M.A., he began to more deeply investigate the Church’s history and the place of the Orthodox Church in the development of doctrine and Christian spirituality.  After much study and a very inspirational catechumenate, the Westrates were received into the Orthodox Church at Holy Trinity Cathedral in Boston. 

Deacon Christopher and Lisa live in Amesbury, Massachusetts with their two year old daughter Anna.  Anna is a source of great joy for them, and they love being parents.  They all enjoy taking walks together, exploring new gourmet recipes, and reading lots of books.  Deacon Christopher and Lisa lead the Youth Group at Holy Trinity Cathedral.  The group has enjoyed a number of retreats, social outings and service projects and meets regularly for church school.  The kids at Holy Trinity have a special place in the Westrates’ hearts. 

Dn. Christopher has taught literature and writing courses for eight years at New Hope Tutorials.  New Hope is an ecumenical educational hybrid, which enables homeschooling parents to supplement their at-home curricula with small group classes (8-10 students).  New Hope offers educational resources to parents in the content areas they find most difficult.  Dn. Christopher’s classes (8th-12th grades) offer high level studies in the language arts.  He feels very blessed to work at New Hope, where he can teach and explore the subjects he loves, and where he is free to relate his academic discipline to the life of faith in Christ. 

Deacon Christopher is indebted to His Grace, Bishop Nikon, to his cathedral rector, Archpriest Fr. Robert M. Arida, and to his church community at Holy Trinity Orthodox Cathedral in Boston.  His Grace has always been very supportive, a wonderful Arch-pastor and guide through the process of vocation discernment.  Deacon Christopher has enjoyed serving His Grace as subdeacon, both at Holy Trinity and around the diocese.  Fr. Robert Arida’s mentorship has been an immeasurable gift in Dn. Christopher’s coming to the Orthodox faith, growing as an Orthodox Christian, and discerning ordination to the diaconate.  Fr. Robert has been an incredible source of inspiration, light and life.  Finally, all of the Westrate’s friends at Holy Trinity have offered such a vital gift of support, fellowship and friendship.  Deacon Christopher and Lisa feel exceedingly blessed for all that God has given them in life and in this new ministry. 

New to the Diocese: Archpriest Michael G. Roshak - 06/04/07

Father Michael was assigned to Three Saints Orthodox Church in Ansonia on December 1, 2006.

Archpriest Michael G. Roshak

Father Michael Roshak served the Church in various responsible positions during his over twenty-year Diaconate. For a decade he served as Instructor of Russian at St. Vladimir's Orthodox Theological Seminary in Crestwood, New York, as its Director of Public Relations & Resources, and as Executive Director of the St. Vladimir's Theological Foundation. During that period he also served as Protodeacon for the Primate of the Orthodox Church in America, His Beatitude Metropolitan Theodosius, and accompanied him on official visits to Russia, Japan, and South America. As Protodeacon, he led numerous Orthodox Church-related travel serinars and pilgrimages to the former Soviet Union, to the Holy Land, Turkey, Egypt, and Greece. He also served as the first Chairman of the Orthodox Christian Broadcasting Commission of SCOBA (Standing Conference of Canonical Orthodox Bishops in the Americas).

From 1985 to 1991 Father Michael served as the first Director of the Europe Office and the US/USSR Church Relations Office of NCCCUSA (the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the USA). In 1991-1992 he represented the United Bible Societies, including the American Bible Society, in Moscow, Russia, and was instrumental in the formation of the Bible Society in Russia, which has grown to become the largest national Bible Society in Europe. From 1993-1996 Father Michael served as the United Bible Societies' Eastern Europe Information Officer and led international delegations to Albania, Armenia, Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Russia (including Siberia and the Far East), Ukraine, Belorus, Moldova, Romania, and Bulgaria. He also did extensive speaking engagements in Australia, New Zealand, Ireland, Great Britain, Canada, Norway, the Netherlands, Finland, and Bermuda. His last assignment for the United Bible Societies was the establishment of the Bible Society in the Republic of Georgia, laying the groundwork for translations, production, and distribution of Holy Scripture editions in the Georgian language and as a personal liaison with the Georgian Orthodox Church.

During the past ten years of priesthood, Father Michael served as Rector of OCA St.  Andrew's Orthodox Church, Baltimore MD and Chaplain at the VA Hospital in  Baltimore; served on loan to the Greek Orthodox  Archdiocese at St. Katherine's Church, Falls Church VA and at the Nativity of the Theotokos Church in Fredericksburg VA; and  as the founding Rector of the OCA Christ the Savior Orthodox Mission in Stafford VA.

Father Michael received his Bachelor's of Science degree in education from Millersville State University in Millersville PA, with a major in Russian. He earned a Master of Arts degree in Slavic Languages and Literature from Ohio State University where he also taught Russian and led the University's Semester Abroad Program to the USSR. He earned a Master of Divinity degree from St. Vladimir's Orthodox Theological Seminary, Crestwood NY, with additional graduate studies at Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana; at the St. Sergius Orthodox Theological Institute, Paris, France; and at the  Leningrad Theological Academy, Russia. In 1988 he was selected as one of the USA's 10 "most promising emerging leaders in the field of religion" to participate with 10 counterparts from the Soviet Union in a conference co-sponsored by both governments.

Father Michael has three children who live in Yonkers NY: Michael, 30, Peter, 28, and Julianna, 26.

New to the Diocese: Father Jason Vansuch - 05/24/07

At the request of Bishop NIKON to write a brief biography, Father Jason offers the following...




I would like to say, how humbled I am at the request of Bishop Nikon. I therefore offer the information below to give you an idea of 'Who is Rev. Jason Vansuch.'

I am the son of VRev. Eugene and Mrs. Fran Vansuch. They currently reside in Easton, PA where my mother works for an Insurance Agency and my father works at the National Chancery of The Orthodox Church in America in Syosset, New York as the Executive Director of the Fellowship of Orthodox Stewards. My father is the former rector of St. Nicholas Russian Orthodox Church in Bethlehem, PA. St. Nicholas is my home parish. I was born on July 8, 1976 in Bridgeport, CT. I was baptized into the Orthodox Faith at St. George Albanian Orthodox Church in Trumbull, CT. I spent my life within the Albanian Archdiocese for a little over 7 years. My father was also the rector of St. John's Chrysostom Albanian Orthodox Church in Center-City Philadelphia. Then we moved to Nanticoke, PA and then finally to Bethlehem, PA where I lived for about 10 years. I served in the altar and assisted my father with all of the Divine Services. I assisted with the cleaning of the church, helping at church functions, as well, as assisting with the altar boys.


While we were in Bethlehem, I attended Bethlehem Catholic High School. Upon graduation of High School, I enrolled as a Full-Time Student at Northampton County Community College. I graduated May of 1996 with an Associate's Degree in Liberal Arts. In September of 1996, I enrolled as a Full-Time Seminarian at St. Tikhon's Orthodox Theological Seminary in South Canaan, PA. in the Master of Divinity Program. Throughout my seminary education, I had the distinct honor and blessing of serving in the altar as a 'blessed' subdeacon for two years for, then, His Eminence Archbishop HERMAN. On the eve of The Feast of Archangel Michael,
November 7, 1999, I was blessed to wear the orarion and later tonsured a Reader by His Eminence on The Feast of The Entrance of The Theotokos into the Temple on November 21, 1999.


During my years in seminary, I had the distinct honor of meeting many respectful Hierarchs of Orthodox Churches in America as well as from around the world. While I was in seminary, I was blessed to work at the National Chancery of The Orthodox Church in America in Syosset, New York during the summer and winter breaks. My duties consisted of maintaining the chapel as well as maintaining the grounds. There were times when I was called upon to assist and travel with His Beatitude, Metropolitan Theodosius as his driver and subdeacon.


Upon graduation from Seminary in 1999, I was approached by Protopresbyter Robert Kondratick, at the time he was Chancellor of the Orthodox Church in America, to take up my new position in the life of the Church as personal aide to His Beatitude, Metropolitan Theodosius, a duty I had already served for three and one half years.


During my years as the assistant and Aide to Metropolitan Theodosius, I traveled with His Beatitude to many parishes around the Orthodox Church in America attending many parish celebrations and functions. In addition, I assisted His Beatitude at two All-American Councils -- Pittsburgh in 1999 and Orlando in 2002. Further, I had the distinct honor and blessing of accompanying His Beatitude on many trips abroad: to the Church of Russia on two occasions, to the Church of Japan, twice to the Church of Finland as well to archpastoral visitation to Germany.


I had the great honor of serving with many heads of Churches including His Holiness, Patriarch Alexey of Moscow and All Russia, His Eminence, Metropolitan Daniel of Tokyo and All Japan, His Eminence, Archbishop Leo of Helsinki and Finland, His Beatitude, Metropolitan Sawa of Warsaw and Poland, His Holiness, Catholicos-Patriarch Ilia of Georgia. I was blessed to serve at the following Canonizations of two Saints: St. Alexis of Wilkes-Barre in1994 and St. Raphael of Brooklyn in 2000.


Prior to his retirement, Metropolitan Theodosius bestowed upon me the Order of Saint Innocent, Bronze Class. In July of 2002, upon the retirement of Metropolitan Theodosius, I took my new responsibility as Personal Aide to His Beatitude, Metropolitan HERMAN. I participated in and assisted with organizing the Liturgical services for The Enthronement of His Beatitude Metropolitan HERMAN in Washington, DC in September of 2002. With my new assignment, I continued my services as the assistant to the office of The Metropolitan. This consisted of not only traveling with His Beatitude to the many church functions within our own Church here in America, Canada and Mexico, but also to accompany His Beatitude on the many trips that he took to the Churches Abroad. I had the distinct honor and blessing of accompanying His Beatitude to the Church of Georgia, to the Church of The Ukraine, to the Church of Poland, to the Church of Russia. I was blessed to serve at the celebrations of the Return of The Tikhvin Icon of The Mother of God in June and July of 2004.


In the fall of 2002, I had the distinct honor of having dinner with a good friend, Katherine Moroz. Katherine, or Katia as most people call her as a shortened form of her name, and I have been close friends for about 10 or so years. We did not know that after dinner that night, we would one day be husband and wife. Katia and I were engaged on October 26, 2002.


We were married at St. Nicholas Russian Orthodox Church in Bethlehem, PA on October 3, 2004. In preparing for my new step in life and my new role in life as a husband, I had spoken with my Spiritual Father concerning beginning a new life with my wife somewhere other than Syosset, NY. I felt that I could no longer fulfill the duties and responsibilities that are called upon as The Personal Aide to the Office of The Metropolitan. It was time for someone younger and with more flexibility to come in and serve the Church and serve His Beatitude in the way that the one in that position should. I was now contemplating my future ministry within the Life of the Church.

After Katia and I settled in our new home and starting to build our new life together in the Philadelphia area, we became parishioners of SS Peter and Paul Albanian Orthodox Church in Philadelphia. We were active members there. I served in the altar assisting Fr. Stephen Siniari, our Pastor, with the Divine Services. I oversaw the decorum of the sanctuary, delivered sermons, and sang in the choir. In addition, we began to have Reader's Services on Saturday evenings, services during Great Lent, the Nativity Fast, and other services during the course of the week. I also held a weekly Adult Bible Education and Bible Study for our parishioners as well as served as the Church School Coordinator for our Church School Program. We did all of this with the blessing of the Bishop and Fr. Stephen in order to provide more opportunities for the faithful to come and pray. Katia assisted with the Russian Community in translating for them on occasions as well as leading an Orthodox Education Class in Russian. I also assisted Fr. Stephen with visiting the sick in the parish, making the meshe for Liturgy and many other functions within the life of the parish.

Throughout our time at Ss Peter and Paul’s, Katia and I begin to contemplate the next step in the life of our ministry – being humble servants in the Lord’s Vineyard as a Deacon and Diakonitsa. By the Grace of God, I was ordained to the Holy Deaconate by His Grace on Lazarus Saturday, April 23, 2005 at St. Nicholas Church in Bethlehem, PA.

Upon my ordination, I was attached and assigned to Ss Peter and Paul Albanian Orthodox Church of the Albanian Archdiocese located in Philadelphia, PA. There, I continued my work as a deacon under the guidance of our pastor, Archpriest Stephen Siniari. Along with fulfilling my responsibilities at Ss Peter and Paul’s, I served at St. John Chrysostom Church in Center-City Philadelphia assisting Archpriest Matthew Searfoorce with the Divine Services, ministering to the needs of the faithful, as well as maintaining the good order of the Altar.

As we were approaching our one-year wedding anniversary in October of 2005, Mat. Katia and I began to contemplate the next step in the life of our ministry – being humble servants in the Lord’s Vineyard as a Priest and Matushka. In preparing ourselves for this next step and with the blessing of His Grace Bishop NIKON and with the blessing of His Grace Bishop TIKOHN of the Diocese of EPA, Mat. Katia and I began to attend St. Stephen Cathedral in Philadelphia on a rotating basis between Ss Peter and Paul’s. I assisted the Cathedral Dean, Priest Victor Gorodenchuk, a close friend and former classmate of mine in seminary, with the Divine Services, maintaining the good decorum of the Altar as well as ministering to the needs of the faithful. Mat. Katia assisted with singing and reading during the Divine Services. This was good practice for both of us as we are serving a Slavic style parish here at St. Nicholas in Norwich, CT. where Mat. Katia is the Choir Director. We are both truly blessed and humbled with the experience that God has given us in our ministry in Philadelphia.


By God's Grace, both Mat. Katia and I have prepared ourselves for our new ministry in the life of the Church as a Priest and Matushka.


We are indeed humbled and honored to be called and chosen by God to be servants in His Holy Church. In addition, we are very excited for this has been my dream ever since I was a young altar boy serving with my father in the altar at the age of five. By the Grace of God, His Grace Bishop Nikon ordained me a priest on Saturday June 17 at St. Stephen Cathedral in Philadelphia, PA. Upon my ordination, I was assigned to St. Nicholas Orthodox Church in Norwich, CT., a parish within the Diocese of New England under the Omophorion of His Grace Bishop NIKON.

As we begin our ministry, we humbly ask for your continued love, guidance, and prayers that we may fulfill those tasks and responsibilities given to us. Thank you for this opportunity of allowing me to provide some information on my life so I may better assist you to answer the question of 'Who is Rev. Jason Vansuch.'


With love in Christ,


Rev. Jason Vansuch






New to the Diocese - 05/24/07

Over the past few years, there have been several ordinations in the Diocese of New England. Additionally, a number of clergy have moved to the Diocese to serve with us in our work of building up the Body of Christ.

Over the coming weeks, we will be publishing a number of articles about our new clergy so that you have a chance to get to know them better.

To all who are new to the Diocese of New England, and to all who are newly ordained, God grant you many years!

Diocese of New England
c/o V. Rev. John Kreta, 75 Hospital Hill Rd
Sharon, CT 06069-2010
Diocesan Life
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