From Sunday to Sunday: Living the Christian life in the world with prayer, discipline, and love - 12/04/23
Diocese of New England Advent Youth Event with Fr. John Hopko Come join us for prayer, fellowship, and education as we make our way through the Advent fast in preparation for the Nativity of our Lord. All youth aged 13-17 are invited. Saturday, December 9th, 4pm to 7pm Holy Trinity Church, New Britain CT Vespers, followed by a talk led by Fr. John Hopko and dinner. Please RSVP using QR code or by email to
All are invited to join His Beatitude Metropolitan Tikhon and neighboring clergy on Sunday November 10, 2019 at 4:00 pm for the Vespers of St. Nektarios. Please note this is the Sunday after his Feast Day.
There will be a procession with his relics, prayers for the sick and anointing with the oil from St. Nectarios’ tomb. A light Buffet will follow. On the feast, Saturday November 9, there will be Divine Liturgy at 9:30 am.
"For All Times sake": This was the title of the message we received a few weeks ago from Fr. Paul Tarazi. Before his retirement, for many years Fr. Paul made Christ the Savior home for the “Connecticut Bible Lecture Series”. There was a following from Orthodox and nonorthodox who came twice a year to hear this Internationally known scholar teach about scripture. Fr. Paul has written many books on scripture, they are available both in our library and bookstore. His latest book: The Rise of Scripture has been written during these days of “retirement’ and just published. What a joy and privilege to have Father return and talk about this work of his. There will also be opportunity for book signing.
If you know Fr. Paul, don’t miss the opportunity to hear him again. If you have never heard him, seize this opportunity. “For All Times Sake”
The Rise of ScriptureThose who experience the Bible as a living text understand that Scripture possesses a life and power all its own. Written by human hands, texts become sacred when they resonate with ultimate truths encountered in the direst of human circumstances. Paul Nadim Tarazi’s The Rise of Scripture offers a cogent argument for the particulars of how it is the Bible as we have it became Scripture. Avoiding futile speculation over Israelite textual and ethnic origins, Tarazi lays bare the Bible’s strategic defense against hellenistic urban hegemony over the fertile clay and desert environs of western Asia. With the help of biblical Hebrew—a “concocted language,” according to Tarazi—scribes wrote and shaped oral and textual materials into a manifesto of cultural resistance in response to the ethnocentric arrogance of the alien occupation. The successful accomplishment of such a defense relied upon a kind of leveling of the playing field, in which the writers of the Bible came to throw all their own false idols into the fire, resulting in the production of the most scathing collective self-examination in human history. It is the thesis of this book that the reading and teaching of Scripture brings human beings together in the barren wilderness of authentic human existence in obedience to, and under the care of the ultimate Shepherd, the God of Scripture.
Saturday, May 5 from 1:00 to 4:30 Christ the Savior Church, Southbury CT.
Celebrate the sounds of the season at Holy Ghost's 3rd annual Christmas concert, Sunday, December 3rd at 3:00 p.m. This year, we welcome Chamber Singers from the Connecticut Choral Society. Enjoy baked goods and refreshments afterwards. The event is free to all! Hope to see you there!
Join CT Deanery Youth for a year of one-night retreats at All Saints Orthodox Church in Hartford, CT.
All youth in grades 6-12 are welcome to join us for food, fun, and fellowship with other Orthodox Christians from all over CT!
If you have to come late - No worries ~ We'll be glad to have you!
Attached is a schedule for Pan-Orthodox Youth Events, hosted by All Saints Orthodox Church in Hartford, CT.
Each month we'll follow a schedule similar to what we did last year:
6:30pm - Evening Worship (Vespers/Akathist)
7:15pm - Dinner & Fellowship
8:00pm - Activity/Education
9:00pm - Night Prayers (Compline/Akathist)
9:30pm - Dismissal
Our first "Rally after Rally" event will be on Friday, September 15th, 2017 @ 6:30pm at All Saints Orthodox Church (205 Scarborough St., Hartford, CT 06105)
For more information, please call or e-mail me at 860-922-5329 /
St. Tikhon’s Seminary 2016 Continuing Education Program - 06/09/16
Our Youth: a Precious Portion of Today’s Church Community in Great Need of Attention
“The Spirit Himself bears witness with our spirit that we are children of God, and if children, then heirs – heirs of God and joint heirs with Christ, if indeed we suffer with Him, that we may also be glorified together.” (Romans 8:16-17)
St. Tikhon’s Seminary Announces its annual Continuing Education Program, to be held at the seminary June 21-23, 2016. The program will begin at noon on Tuesday, and continue through Thursday afternoon. Registration cost for the program is $100, covering overnight accommodations in our dormitory, and meals. The program will be submitted for review for continuing education credit for our clergy. Interested lay persons are also welcome to attend!
Please register by June 15th either by calling St. Tikhon’s Seminary: 570.561.1818, or by e-mailing Teresa Vaux-Michel:
For clergy and lay leaders from small Orthodox churches, the Small Parish Forum is an intimate, regional conference designed to share helpful, hopeful ideas and tools for stabilizing and strengthening parish life.
The Small Parish Forum is co-sponsored by the OCA’s Archdiocese of Western Pennsylvania and the Diocese of the Midwest.
Grief and Loss: Finding Our Way Into The Arms Of The Church - 02/26/14
FORCC will hold it's religious ed. seminar entitled "Grief and Loss: Finding Our Way Into The Arms Of The Church" on Sat., March 29th starting at 9am- noon. Location is Christ the Savior Orthodox Church in Southbury. Please post/announce the information. Dr. Albert Rossi will be the speaker. This workshop is free, however, for planning purposes we would like to have an approximate number of attendees. Please RSVP to Matushka Jenny Mosher at or Nina Kosowsky at
St. Ambrose Society at St. Vladimir's Orthodox Theological Seminary - 02/20/14
The St. Ambrose Society at St. Vladimir's Orthodox Theological Seminary is sponsoring a free and public lecture on February 23, Sunday, 3:30 pm, in the Metropolitan Philip Auditorium on its campus in Yonkers, NY. “Preaching the Word of the Lord: Being an Orthodox Christian in the Post-Christian Public Square,” will be presented by Dr. Herman Tristram Engelhardt, who holds doctorates in Medicine (Tulane University, 1972) and Philosophy (University of Texas, 1969). A public reception will follow. Dr. Engelhardt's principal research has been in the area of bioethics, and his major contribution to Orthodox ethics is his book, The Foundations of Christian Bioethics. He is presently Professor of Philosophy at Rice University and Professor of Medicine at Baylor College of Medicine, both in Houston, Texas.
31st Annual Father Alexander Schmemann Memorial Lecture with The Very Rev. Dr. John McGuckin - 01/25/14
The 31st Annual Father Alexander Schmemann Memorial Lecture titled "On 'The Mystical Theology of the Eastern Church'" will be presented by The Very Rev. Dr. John McGuckin, a leading international commentator on Eastern Orthodox theology and early Christian history. The free and public lecture, Friday, January 31, 2014, will be immediately preceded by an academic convocation at 7:00 p.m., at which Fr. John will be awarded a Doctor of Divinity degree honoris causa.
Father John is professor of Byzantine Christian Studies at Columbia University, and Union Theological Seminary's Ane Marie and Bent Emil Nielsen Professor in Late Antique and Byzantine Christian History, an endowed Chair created in 2008 out of one of the oldest Church History departments in America. Father John has authored 23 books and has served as visiting professor and guest lecturer in many universities and colleges in England, Ireland, Greece, Romania, Ukraine, Russia, Italy, and the United States. On November 7, 2013, he was a featured guest speaker at St. Vladimir's 75th Anniversary Gala Banquet.
A public reception will follow the lecture, which will be held in the Metropolitan Philip Auditorium of the John G. Rangos Family Building. The lecture will also be made available as a "Voices from St. Vladimir's Seminary" podcast on Ancient Faith Radio.
St. Emmelia Orthodox Homeschooling Conference - 01/24/14
Antiochian Village Thursday, March 27, through Sunday, March 30
Details about speakers, topics, costs, schedules, and staying at Antiochian Village are available online at the Antiochian Village website under "Upcoming Events."
St. Nectarios of Aegina, a 20th century saint, is considered the patron of those suffering with cancer, heart trouble, arthritis, epilepsy, depression and injustice. On the eve of his feast, Friday November 8 at 7:00 PM, Great Vespers will be served by area clergy at Christ the Savior Church 1070 Roxbury Rd in Southbury. At the conclusion of the service there will be an outdoor procession, prayer for the sick and anointing with oil. It will be followed by a dessert buffet.
On Saturday there will be Divine Liturgy at 9:30 AM .
For directions or more information please call 203 267 1330 or visit our web site at
We require volunteer adult staff members for the New England Diocesan Youth Rally 2013. Adult Staff Members need to be active Orthodox Christian communicants of at least 18 years old who have the blessing of their parish priest to participate and who have been aprroved as staff by Fr. John Hopko, Rally Director, on behalf of the Diocese of New England
The James C Rouman Lecture Series: The Development of the Early Papacy - 02/04/13
Professor Demacopoulos is a specialist in the History of Christianity for Late Antiquity, the Early Medieval West, and Byzantium. American born and educated, Dr. Demacopoulos is an active participant in the on-going Orthodox/Catholic Dialogue at Fordham, and has written extensively on the subject. Perhaps the most contentious of all issues requiring resolution before union can take place between Eastern and Western Christianity is that of papal authority. As he has in his book, The Invention of Peter, Professor Demacopoulos will examine for us how the historic Peter and the Roman Church strengthened, shifted, and evolved during the papacies of two of the most creative popes of Late Antiquity, ultimately shaping the Catholic Church as we know it today. An important lecture and one of interest to Orthodox Christians, this event should be on everyone’s calendar to attend. Questions and answers following the Lecture.
Sunday, February 17, 2013 5 pm St. George Greek Orthodox cathedral 433 Fairfield Avenue, Hartford, Connecticut
Ansonia to celebrate Patronal Feast Day - 01/23/13
On Wednesday January 30th Three Saints in Ansonia will celebrate our Patronal Feast Day with Divine Liturgy at 9 am to be followed by breakfast and fellowship. Vespers the night before will be at 6:30 pm. It would bring us great joy if you and your parishioners would be present to worship with us.
On Sunday, February 3rd, the parish of St. Alexis in Clinton, CT will host it's annual Chili/Chowder Cook-Off. Parishinoers bring in their favorite receipes and tasters vote for their favorite chili or chowder by making contributions. The dish that brings in the most contributions wins the coveted "CHILI Trophy." All contributions to support the IOCC.
Louis Zagami, IOCC Development Officer will be in attendance to answer your questions as well.
HOLY CONVERSATION: Marriage and Sexuality: an OCA event with the Diocese of New England - 01/14/13
A full account, an apologia for marriage, including the sexual blessing in it...A discussion, with hope of more holy conversation about sexuality...Issues of sexuality are most pressing concerns in society. We embrace these issues as opportunity to gather in Christ that He may baptize our mind and will in teaching and conversation in holy mysteries. In this coming together we hope for ‘issues’ to be transformed into love. Our adversary seeks division in our sexuality before one another. Broken and aware of the awesome responsiibility in our sexality we seek council together in the common mind that God withholds no good thing from His Beloved.
Don't forget about ONE Stewards during the summer months. Check out the note about the progress of the 2012 Campaign from Prdn. Paul Nimchek, ONE Stewards Director.
Church Growth Boot Camp August 1 – 3, 2011 – Binghamton, NY Dormition of the Virgin Mary Orthodox Church 53 Baxter Street Binghamton, NY 13905
see link for attached pdf with detailed information, schedule and registration. Church Growth Boot Camp
FOCUS North America - 08/12/10
Fr. Justin Mathews of FOCUS North America will be speaking about the fundamental Gospel message and practical possibilities of serving our neighbors in need on Sunday, Aug. 22.
Do you desire to connect with Orthodox youth, have questions about living our ancient faith in a modern world, or just plain love the outdoors? If you are an Orthodox youth between the ages of 9 and 17 sign up for Youth Rally 2023! Held in beautiful Contoocook, NH, this is a chance to make friends and memories for a lifetime! All the information for registration can be found at:
Do you desire to connect with Orthodox youth, have questions about living our ancient faith in a modern world, or just plain love the outdoors? If you are an Orthodox youth between the ages of 9 and 17 sign up for Youth Rally 2022! Held in beautiful Contoocook, NH, this is a chance to make friends and memories for a lifetime! All the information for registration can be found at: