Glory to Jesus Christ!
Welcome to the official website of the Orthodox Church in America's Diocese of New England, under the guidance of His Beatitude, Metropolitan Tikhon of All America and Canada and His Grace Benedict Bishop of Hartford and the New England Diocese.
Diocesan Council reviewed a request from some of our youth at Christ the Savior parish in Southbury to help them raise funds for a mission trip they are hoping to go on this summer. The Council was very enthusiastic about supporting this effort and decided to donate $1,000 for their trip. His Grace, in an example of stewardship also committed to donate an additional $500 of his own money. Our own Fr. Mircea and his family went on one of this mission trips last year and spoke very highly of their experience. The council wished to provide information on this opportunity, not only to maybe support this team, but to raise awareness of this program and maybe promote the program in your own parishes and maybe encourage the youth in your parishes to make a mission trip of their own.
As promised, see below more information on this absolutely amazing ministry OYMT (Orthodox Youth Mission Team). Mka Sarah, myself and our daughter Sofia went last summer and found it powerful and transformative. This next summer we are going again, this time bringing three of our children and another youth from our parish.
Spread the word!
Recruiting video (filmed during the 2019 mission trip):
The website (has a ton of info about OYMT, history, and past trips):
And this is a short video of our trip from last year:
His Grace, Benedict, Bishop of Hartford and New England presided at a Hierarchical Liturgy of Pre-Sanctified Gifts on March 13, 2025, at SS. Peter & Paul Orthodox Church, Meriden, CT, featuring the Diocesan Choir. Clergy and faithful from across the diocese assembled to commemorate Ven. Benedict of Nursia, Bishop Benedict’s patron saint, and the 15th anniversary of his ordination to the Holy Priesthood.
The Diocesan Choir of New England has launched a new Instagram page, and will be posting videos of practices, services, and concerts there and on facebook. Go give it at follow at @dnechoir or using this link to see what the choir has been up to! For more information on the Diocesan Choir, email Thomas Crosby at
The Diocese now has two YouTube channels. The first channel will be featuring the Diocesan Choir (
The second channel will be for Diocesan general use ( Please subscribe to these channels to keep uptodate on what is posted.
Liturgy of the Pre-Sanctified Gifts - 03/13/25
Liturgy of the Pre-Sanctified Gifts celebrated on His Grace's Name's Day - St Benedict
(10 images)