AAC: Tuesday
- 11/11/08
Members of the Military Chaplins serve the opening liturgy
Prdn. Kyril Sokolov, SVS and first deacon of the OCA
Mat. Michelle Jannakos directing the choir
Fr. Alexander Garklavs, current Chancellor
Fr. Daniel Hubiak, former Chancellor of the OCA
Dn. Ambrose Powell, Holy Resurrection, Claremont
Fr. Alexis Vinogradov preaching
Lay delegates taking the collection. (at far right) John Kriniske, Ss. Cyril & Methodius, Terryville
Clergy preparing for communion
Fr. David Koles, Holy Trinity, New Britain
Panikhida for the departed veterans
Continental breakfast.
Fr. John Dresko
Fr. Marc Vranes, Holy Trinity, Wilimantic and Fr. David Koles, Holy Trinity, New Britain, classmates at SVS
Dr. Paul Meyendorff, SVS
Fr. Chad Hadfield, Chancellor of SVS
Fr. Leonid Kishkovsky, OCA external affairs department
Bp. TIKHON serving a panikhida for the newly departed Archpriest Stephen Karaffa
Fr. Emilian Hutnyan speaking about his father-in-law, Fr. Stephen
Fr. Jason Vansuch, St. Nicholas, Norwich served Daily Vespers
Andrew Boyd and Fr. Jason
Tuesday evening session
Fr. Andrew Jarmas, OCA Director of Communications
Bp. JONAH answering questions from the delegates.