Sunday of Orthodoxy
- 02/25/07
Great Vespers for the Sunday of Orthodoxy was held at St. Alexis of Wilkes-Barre Church in Clinton, CT.
St. Alexis of Wilkes-Barre in Clinton, CT.
William Kopcha, UConn OCF President, reads opening psalm.
Fr. Michael Westerberg chants the Great Litany.
Matushka Cindy Voytovich directs the choir.
Bp. NIIKON censes during the ...
... singing of "Lord I Call"
The choir
Bp. NIKON preaching at vespers.
Procession with the icons.
Fr. Steven Voytovich, Bp. NIKON, Fr. Michael Westerberg, Fr. David Koles lead the faithful in The Creed.
Bp. NIKON reads the synodicon.
The choir.
"Rejoice, O Virgin Theotokos, ..."
"O Lord and Master of my life!"
"Eis polla eti Despota"
Protodeacon Simeon Kopcha venerates the cross.
Bp. NIKON blesses the food.
The faithfull from many parishes ...
...gather to break bread together.